Privacy Statement

Your data and security matters to us so we take the following steps to protect your privacy:

Session State Cookies

We set session-only cookies to pass information between our pages to help with creating shopping carts. These only last while your browser remains open and active -- they are destroyed upon closing the browser application completely or if you go inactive for a period of time. We do not create cookies in your files for tracking between visits or externally.

Database Records

When you purchase an item on this site, your order record is stored in our database. We do not store protected data (like credit card information). We rely on third-party handling of the transaction data at the point of sale (PayPal). The information we store about customer transactions is for contacting and shipping (name, phone, email, address).

Use of Your Data

Information stored about our customers is used only by the Fallbrook Arts, Inc. to suggest events, exhibitions, classes, workshops, and products offered by Fallbrook Arts, Inc. that may be of interest to our customers based on previous purchases. This information is not shared with outside organizations.

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Fallbrook Arts website development is supported by the County of San Diego.
Privacy Statement

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